Sunday, November 10, 2013

End Times Prophecy Study - Lesson 3, Part 3 – Revelation 13 - Beast out of the Earth

Lesson 3, Part 3 – Revelation 13 – Beast out of the Earth

What nation in the world would be foolish enough to place the sword once again in the hand of such a despotic power? The Bible reveals that the Civil Power will be restored to the papacy with the aid of the United States of America as I have mentioned before above. So now that we know that the best out of the sea is the papal system it’s now time to find out how this “beast out of the earth” represents the United States. Read Revelation 13: 11-18. After reading the rest of Revelation chapter 13 you have to do the same thing as we did with the beast out of the sea…..which is to ask questions as to how to identify this second beast. Let’s use history along with the Bible to help identify this beast out of the earth.

Revelation 13:11-18 – The beast of the earth, the United States.  Two horns like a lamb, but speaks like a Dragon. This beast has a split personality. The two horns are not broken off then it speaks like a dragon, no. It is speaking like a dragon at the same time as it still has two horns like a lamb.

Revelation 12:7-9 – The dragon represents Satan as we have already discovered and also Rome in it’s various stages, again already discovered this earlier. It was Satan who stood next to the women to devour her child as soon as he was born, but Satan operated through the instrumentality of Herod a civil ruler of the Roman Empire (Revelation 12:3, Daniel 7:23, and Matthew 2:16). It was Satan through Papal Rome who persecuted the woman for 1,260 years (Revelation 12:6, 13-15) and it will be the dragon/Satan through resurrected papal Rome with the aid of apostate Protestantism – who will persecute the remnant of the woman’s seed when the deadly wound is healed (Revelation 12:17).

Revelation 13:2 – When imperial Rome disintegrated, we are told that it gave it’s seat, it’s power and it’s great authority to the beast. That is to say, the papacy continued to exercise the powers of the dragon (Satan and Rome).

Revelation 13:11 – That this beast will not only be a spokes person for Satan but also for Rome. So the Dragon, the sea beast, and the land (earth) beast are all agents of Satan (Dragon is Satan) who operates through Rome throughout history.

How we Know Satan Operated Through Rome
1.       Revelation 12:1-5 – The Dragon (Satan through Pagan Rome) who attempted to kill the child.
2.       Revelation 12:6,13-15 – It was the dragon (Satan Through Papal Rome) who persecuted the woman (Church) for 1,260 years.
3.       Revelation 12:17 – It will be the dragon (Satan through resurrected Papal Rome) and also with the aid of apostate Protestantism) will persecute the remnant of the woman’s seed when the deadly wound is finally healed. That’s why Revelation 13:4 says that the “world will worship the beast and the dragon”.

1. Which nation was predicted to arise around the same time the papacy was receiving its deadly wound?
"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke like a dragon." Revelation 13:11.
The papal captivity mentioned in Revelation 13:10 took place in 1798, and the new power (verse 11) was seen emerging at that time. The United States declared its independence in 1776, voted the Constitution in 1787, adopted the Bill of Rights in 1791, and was clearly recognized as a world power by 1798. The timing obviously fits America. No other power could possibly qualify in terms of matching the papacy as the sea beast. The timing is just to right on throughout history.

2. What is the significance of the beast "coming up out of the earth?"
This nation arises "out of the earth" instead of out of the water as did the other nations mentioned in Daniel and Revelation. We know from Revelation that water symbolizes areas of the world that have a large population. "The waters which thou saw, where the whore sits, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues."  Revelation 17:15. Therefore, the earth represents the opposite. It means that this new nation would arise in an area of the world that had been virtually unpopulated before the late 1700s. It could not arise among the crowded and struggling nations of the Old World. It had to come up in a sparsely populated continent.

Remember this Beast is a very unique beast. In the Bible each successive beast conquered and destroyed the previous one. But this lamb horned beast is different. It is the only beast in prophecy that actually helps the previous beast to recover its lost power. This is also the only time we are told what kind of horns it had on it’s head – lamblike horns. In Daniel all the beasts represent nations or kingdoms. The two horns of the land beast represent kingdoms…..two kingdoms within one nation.

Quote from Adam Clarke who is a Methodist theologian – “As the seven-headed beast is represented as having ten horns, which signify so many kingdoms leagued together to support the Latin Church, so the beast which rises out of the earth has also two horns, which must consequently represent two kingdoms; for if horns of a beast mean kingdoms in one part of the Apocalypse, kingdoms must be intended by this symbol whenever it is used in a similar way in any other part of this book”.

Adam Clarke’s statement is correct because the closest Biblical parallel to the lamb-horned beast of Revelation 13:11 is the ram beast of Daniel chapter 8:3,20. The Ram represents one nation composed of dual kingdoms – The Medes and the Persians. The two horns like a lamb in Revelation 13:11 symbolize two kingdoms that exist side by side within a single nation.

3. What does it mean when the prophecy in Revelation 13:11 says America will speak "as a dragon"?
As we learned the dragon is Satan, who works through various governments of the earth to establish his evil kingdom and crush God's church by persecuting and destroying His people. Satan's aim always has been to take God's power and throne and to force people to worship and obey him (Satan). So "speaking as a dragon" means that the United States (under the influence of Satan) will in the end time, force people to worship contrary to conscience or be punished.

4. What specifically will America do that will cause it to speak as a dragon? 4 points I will list.
A.      "Exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him." Revelation 13:12. America will become a persecuting power that will force people to go against their conscience, as did papal Rome which is portrayed in the first half of Revelation 13.
B. "Causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed." Revelation 13:12. The United States will lead the nations of the world in forcing worship of, and allegiance to, the papal Antichrist. The issue is always worship. Who will you worship and obey? Will it be Christ your Creator and Redeemer, or the Antichrist? Every soul on earth will finally worship one or the other. The entire approach will appear to be deeply spiritual. Incredible miracles will be wrought (Revelation 13:14,15) which will deceive billions Revelation 13:3. Those who refuse to join this movement will be considered godless radicals. Jesus labels Protestant America of the end time a "false prophet" Revelation 19:20 & Revelation 20:10. Because it will appear spiritual and trustworthy but instead will be satanic in its conduct.

All this may seem impossible, but Jesus' words are always totally reliable and true (Titus 1:2). He foretold the rise and fall of the four world empires and the Antichrist (Daniel chapters 2 and 7) at a time when such predictions seemed outlandish and incredible. But all came to pass precisely as predicted. His warning to us today regarding prophecy is, "I have told you before it
Come to pass, that when it is come to pass, ye might believe”. (John 14:29).

C. "Saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live." Revelation 13:14. The United States will make an image to the beast by legislating religious practice. It will pass laws requiring worship and force people to either obey them or face death. This action is a copy or image of the church-state combination that the papacy utilized at the height of her power during the Middle Ages, when millions were slain for their faith and the 1,260 years. America will combine civil government and apostate Protestantism in a "marriage" that will support the papacy. It will then influence all the nations of the world to follow her example. Thus, the papacy will gain worldwide support.

D. "And cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." Revelation 13:15. The United States, as head of this international movement, will next influence the nations of the world to impose a universal death sentence upon all who refuse to worship the beast or his image. Another name for this worldwide coalition is "Babylon the Great." (Will study Revelation 17 later).This worldwide alliance will, in the name of Christ, substitute the policeman's power for the Holy Spirit's persuasion and will force worship.
So another question…..Why are the horn’s Lamb like?
The word “lamb” appears 29 times in the book of Revelation. In 28 of the 29 times if refers indisputably to Jesus Christ. But does it apply to Jesus in Revelation 13:11? The Greek conjunction “ kai ” (and) is used in various ways in the New Testament. In the book of Revelation it can mean “and” but it can also mean “yet” or “but”. The land beast has two horns like a lamb and yet (or but) it speaks like a dragon. It’s clear from Revelation 13:11 that the two horns like a lamb constitute the positive side of the land beast while the dragon’s voice is the negative side. It believes in the two kingdoms that Jesus believed in, but at the same time it contradicts its profession in actual practice. So the next obvious question is what two kingdoms did Jesus recognize?

What two kingdoms did Jesus Recognize?
Matthew 22:15-21 – Two kingdoms (The Church) which belonged to God and is the Sword of the Spirit which is used by preaching the word of God, and also (The State) which belonged to Caesar and/or  the secular world and is the Sword of the State which is used to kill anybody who doesn’t fall into line with her.  They both existed side by side in the Roman Empire. Jesus says that we have financial obligations to both kingdoms. To Caesar we owe our Taxes and to God we owe his Tithe. This still holds true today. We pay our government taxes every year and as Christian’s we are supposed to give our first 10% of every paycheck back to God…meaning to his church. It’s a test of our faith to him as there will be times that we don’t want to because we can’t afford it, but that shouldn’t stop you. If it does it means you lack faith and trust that he will provide for you. Meaning you need to give tithe back to the church you belong too. But Tithe is another lesson for another study. Back to the two kingdoms. Jesus was tempted by the devil in Matthew 4:8,9. Jesus response to the Devils temptation was no as he says in Matthew 4:10. Remember, that if Jesus accepted the offer of Satan in the dessert he would have become the vice-regent of Satan. Satan offered the Bishop of Rome the same kingdoms and the Bishop of Rome gladly accepted. The Bishop of Rome accepted the rule/gain of the kingdoms of the world/Earth.

More Examples of the two kingdoms:
John 6:14,15 – Jesus feeds the 5 thousand. The Jews followed Jesus for 3 wrong reasons because the people wanted worldly prosperity and wonders, and Jesus seemed like the quickest way to acquire them.
1.       because of the miracles he performed on the sick – (John 6:1,2).
2.       He brought material prosperity - (John 6:26,27).
3.       They wanted him to become there earthly king and assert political power as their messiah - (John 6:15).

Jesus taught that the highest position of honor and power is found in being a servant (Mark 10:35-45).
Jesus talks to Pilate – (John 18:36) – My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews, but now my kingdom is not from here. Jesus was judged and killed by an unholy alliance between church and the state similar to the one that existed during the period of papal supremacy, during the 1,260 years before the deadly wound was given.  After Jesus was accused by false witnesses and found worthy of death by the religious leaders in (Matthew 26:66) they couldn’t execute the death penalty on its own. The needed the state to execute the death sentence. The church had no authority to do so since there law comes from the first table of the law (first 4 commandments of the Ten Commandments). The state’s law or Civil law comes from the 2nd table (last 6 commandments). They are both one and made by God, but also separate at the same time. Matthew 27:1,2 says that they all wanted Jesus to be put to death when brought to Pilate.

Pilate knew of the two kingdoms when he said in John 18:31 – You take him and judge him by your law. The church leaders said to Pilate in John 18:36 – it is not lawful for us to put anyone to death. The church needed the help of the state to kill Jesus. Pilate did kill Jesus and became the Sword in the hand of the Jewish Church. He killed Jesus because he was afraid of losing the support of the people and his political position as shown in John 19:12 – “You are not Caesar’s friend”. Whoever makes himself a king speaks against Caesar.  John 19:15 – “We have no King, but Caesar” (which was high treason to God, meaning they were saying Caesar was there king and not Jesus).

In the book of Acts we learn how the disciples finally understand that the kingdom of Christ would be established by the preaching of the Word (The Spiritual Sword) to the whole world through the power of the Holy Spirit. Satan’s kingdom would be overcome by the force of love….not by the love of force. The disciples preached the gospel and converted thousands by the message and joined the church which is Christ’s (Spiritual Kingdom). Rather then use the sword of the state to persecute those who rejected the gospel, the apostles were persecuted by the state for preaching the gospel. Paul was decapitated and Peter was crucified. James was killed by the sword in (Acts 12:2). John was exiled to the Island of Patmos. Early Christian tradition tells us that all of the remaining apostles were martyred as the Bible doesn’t go into them all in great detail. Time and time again the book of Acts tells us that the Jewish church attempted to use the Sword of the State (The magistrates) to persecute God’s people (The apostles), but nowhere in the book of Acts do we ever find the church using the state to accomplish the work of Christ’s kingdom.

Ok so now that we understand the two kingdoms and lamb like horns back to continuing to identify the beast as the US. I must say at this point I wish I could stop right here in Jesus description of America as the Beast of the Earth, but we can't, because Jesus and the Bible didn't stop. America is truly a great country with its freedom of conscience, press, speech, and enterprise. Also the protection it provides its golden opportunities, its sense of fair play,its sympathy for the underdog and its strong Christian orientation. It is not perfect, but even still a host of people from other countries want to become American citizens every year (Believe me at times I’m against that because our rights, jobs, ect are being taken away to “US” who grew up and were born in the United States…..but they come over because of the “freedom” America provides). If America's doors were opened wide, a vast portion of the people of the world would move to the United States at once to "heaven on earth" as they perceive it. Sadly my blessed country will change drastically in the days just ahead, precipitating unparalleled heartache and woe for God's people. I am going to continue with a quick history of the United States to better understand why it’s the only fit for the beast out of the earth or land beast as it’s also sometimes called.
The history of the US can be divided into two great periods:

1.       The Colonial period (1620-1776)
2.       The Constitutional period (1776-to our day)

The Constitutional founding fathers such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin knew 3 things:

1.       This history of the church in the middle ages
2.       The history of the church in the colonial period
3.       Their Bibles and what happened to Jesus

The founding fathers were living in the closing years of the 1,260 year prophecy. The Declaration of Independence (1776), The Constitution (1787), and the Bill of Rights (1791) were all written and ratified just before the deadly wound was given to the papacy in 1798. They knew the history of the middle ages and what happened to holy man John Hus and how he was burned at the stake for his beliefs (google him to learn more about him). They also knew the history of the colonial period and how atheists, Jews, Quakers, Baptists, and others were deprived of their civil rights simply because their beliefs and practices didn’t match those of the established religion of the colonies. They also knew about the Sunday laws that compelled people to attend church on pain of fines, whippings, and even death in the State of Virginia in the 1610 Virginia Sunday Law. Only members of the established church could serve in high positions of the civil government and that as a result the church was corrupted by a class of hypocrites who joined the church for mercenary reasons. That taxes were used by the government to remunerate the pastors of the established churches. They also knew the history of Roger Williams. He taught a strict separation of church and state, so he had to flee to Rhode Island in 1635 and early 1636 in the dead of winter to escape being killed by the religious leaders of his day. Roger Williams established Providence Road Island. That’s how Road Island got its name. Of course they also knew about what happened to Jesus and they knew there Bible’s very very well.

In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was established and affirmed that all men are created equal. As the Papacy received the deadly wound , God was preparing the next world super power to appear on the stage even as the previous power was about to fall. The founding fathers believed in the existence of two kingdoms in the US that were to FOREVER REMAIN SEPARATE. The Church was to use the spiritual sword of the spirit to persuade through the preaching of the word, while the state was to use the material sword to preserve the civil order.

The new nation was established upon two great principles:

1.       Republicanism (Representative civil government)
2.       Protestantism (Representative religious government)

The founding fathers want all power to flow from down up instead of up downward which was the case when the kings and popes of old ruled, which resulted in blood shed and death.

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