Sunday, February 9, 2014

Why Not Follow The Whole Bible?

I don’t understand why people don't go all out for Jesus? Why do people choose not to see the truth when they know better? Assuming they know better of course. Everybody is different. But I'm talking about mainly the people who have Bible’s and study all the time (or so they say they do). Why don’t they give him everything? They want to have one foot in the world and one foot in the church. They want to do the least they can do and still be saved. They just want to know what is needed for salvation, nothing else, and nothing more. Just give me a list of everything the Bible says and Jesus commands us to do, so I can then not listen to it and go against that, because all that matters is that I have Grace and am saved. Just that little statement matters HUGE because God's Grace is all you need to be Saved....don't misunderstand....but the rest of the thousands of pages in the Bible don’t matter and don’t apply?? People say I just don’t need it? Really?? So do you really have a relationship with Jesus? Do you really understand who He is??....hmmmm?? I question. I just don’t understand why people have this thinking when it comes to having a relationship with your ONE TRUE FATHER!!!

Having a relationship with Jesus and understanding our masters business, and having His Grace is important, it’s number one like I already stated above. Being saved is God’s gift to us, But there is so much more. What does it mean to follow Jesus?  Your life and actions should reflect that, which means obeying and following all of the Bible and what it says. Don’t be a wishy washy/fake type of Christian. Remember Jesus knows your heart and how much of the Bible you really do know, how much you really don’t know, how much you really understand, and how much you really don’t understand. I would say that you really don’t know Jesus at all if you think that nothing in the Bible matters, and you don’t apply it in your life. People say let me know everything that doesn’t count towards being saved or having to do with having eternal salvation… then I can NOT do them or bother with those things. What kind of thinking is that? Are they really seeking out Jesus and a deep love relationship with Him?? People want to just focus on what they need to keep or practice just so they can be saved that way. But guess what we can’t do anything to be saved…..We are saved by God’s Grace alone!! You can’t be saved by just keeping the Sabbath or by doing works and being nice to people, or donating money to charities. We are indeed judged by works as the Bible states, but only saved by Grace alone as the Bible also states. You also can’t be saved by keeping any of the 10 commandments, or eating healthy (like Vegetarian/Vegan like I do), or making a ton of money, or being nice to people, having a big house, doing good things, taking vacations, ect ect....whatever this world offers.  Jesus wants us to obey him because we love him, which means keeping all of his 10 commandments, giving tithe, helping people….which are all works. These good works that we do…well we do them because we love God and it reflects Jesus living inside us and it says that we follow Jesus. Our lives should always reflect what we believe. Remember people are always watching us, even when we don’t realize it. We have to sometimes be patience with people as everybody has different experiences with God, different things happen, life experiences are different, and views of God are different. So everybody isn’t going to be where you are in your walk all the time because we all have problems we have to deal with and overcome with God's help in this life. That's what Sin did to this world. We all start off damaged. So this means that one person might not see all the Bible truth you see yet, and that may be hard or frustrating to watch, but it’s ok. Just keep standing up for the truth and have patience with them. Continue to study with them, continue to love and accept them, and continue to pray. Jesus will open there hearts at some point to see the truth of what the Bible actually says. But the worst thing you can do is to bash them and tell them that they don’t love Jesus, and shut them out of your life just because they don’t see what you see in the Bible. Please don't misunderstand me....It doesn’t make that person right, but they just don’t see it yet. That’s ok. It's God's job to change minds and hearts, not humans. You see this is a HUGE lie/trick of Satan and his angels. He will put things into our heads to make us think if they aren't on our level then we are to reject them. Don’t listen to that crap!! There are going to be people who come to church who are addicted to sex, to bad movies, to money, smoking, who do drugs, who have drinking problems, don’t believe in any of God’s 10 commandments, reject the health message, who practice homosexuality, who steal, who beat there wives, who rape women, ect ect. All of these things are sins. We all sin in this life, it just looks different on all of us. Remember sin is sin and being wrong is being wrong if it doesn’t match up to the Bible and what it actually says. But still love people for where they are at and the sins they are battling…..remember you are battling sins yourself and what if people didn’t accept you? How would that make you feel? Accept people always in love, but at the same time call out something if it’s truly wrong. Do it in a loving way as Jesus did. They after that just pray for them. God will work in that person's heart to change there characters.

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