Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sabbath vs Sunday

1. Is Sabbath keeping necessary for salvation?

James 4:17 – If you know the good you ought to do, and don’t do it, you sin.

I wouldn’t say that Saturday Sabbath keeping is necessary for salvation any more than I would say that it’s required that a man have one wife to be saved, or that it’s required that a person not steal to be saved, or keeps the health messages in the Bible, or pays tithe, ect ect. Pick anything you want really. The only way we are saved is through Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross. But the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments, and my approach towards the Sabbath Commandment would be the same as the other nine Commandments. Now the question is are we keeping any commandment to be saved?  Or are we keeping the commandments because we ARE saved and we love Jesus Christ? HUGE Difference right there.

I personally believe there will be people in Heaven who went to church on Sunday and/or maybe didn’t go to church on any day, but ONLY because they DIDN’T KNOW about what day was the Holy day. It was never taught to them or pointed out to them in a Bible during the course of there life time. But if it is pointed out, I believe that Jesus is going to hold everybody accountable….well because we have Bibles and should be studying them and finding the truth out for ourselves since we have them to use. Especially if something is pointed out to them. We all have to make choices for ourselves and God knows all of our hearts, that’s why we can’t judge others. That’s between that person and God, period end of story. Don’t just believe a pastor, priest, or person because he/she say something is true…..we need to examine evidences for ourselves. But when a person knows God’s Will in any of these areas and they still make the choice to go against it and say, “I’m not going to do God’s will,” well the Bible is clear in the New Testament Hebrews 10:26 - that if we sin willfully after we receive the knowledge of the truth, then there is no more sacrifice for sins. So anyone who ever tells you that you can willingly break God’s commandments and still be exempt, and that they don’t apply today….well that’s just not Biblical, period end of story. Don’t listen to that advice. Remember in what universe will it ever be true that God’s commandments are not valid? None!! Just like in what universe will it ever be true that we as humans (the human race) will ever be innocent? None!!

2. Was God’s Law and the Sabbath Changed?
In Proverbs 16:25 

Solomon said “There is a way that seemed right unto a man but the end there of are the ways of death”. Which means do not make any decision on feeling, or what it seems.  Base all your decisions on Thus saith the Lord.  Jesus said he that hears these words of mine and does them is building on the rock. Whatever conclusions you come to, if you know you have the support of Scripture you can sleep with peace knowing that you’re right in believing that way. Don’t make your conclusions, and don’t build your house or opinions based on the shifting sands of what everyone’s saying and what everyone’s doing (meaning the world or 95% of people today) because that’s always proven fatal throughout history.  Make your decisions based on what does the Bible say? 

If there’s anything in the Bible that God wanted to be clear about it was the Ten Commandments.  He did not even entrust this to go through a prophet.  He spoke audibly to the people.  He wrote it with His own finger so there would be no confusion. According to the Bible we are not SAVED by the law, and I don’t think we’re under the Law, meaning not under the penalty of the Law, but Christians are not free from an obligation to obey the Law. This is key to understand. Remember what  Paul says that’s absurd in Romans 7:12 and Romans 7:21-22, and one of the Ten Commandments is still the Sabbath Day. We need to keep the Sabbath because we ARE SAVED and LOVE JESUS, and not to keep it just to be saved….there is a huge difference. So No the Sabbath day has never been changed by God and is still in effect today. God never changes in character. Here are some eye opening statements from Roman Catholic members of high authority in there church admitting they changed the Sabbath day.

Statements of Roman Catholic’s admitting that they changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday:

·         Cardinal Gibbon’s wrote:  “of course the Catholic Church claims the change of worship from the seventh to the first day of the week was her act….and the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical authority in religious matters”. – Cardinal Gibbons, Catholic Mirror, Sept. 23rd, 1893.

·         “Sunday is our mark of authority….the Catholic Church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact”.  – The Catholic Record, London, Ontario, Sept. 1st, 1923.

·         Father Enright wrote:  “The Bible says, Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath Day. The Catholic Church says No! By My divine power, I abolish the Sabbath day; and command you to keep holy the first day of the week.” – K.C. Father T. Enright, C.S.S.R., American Sentinel, June 1st, 1893, p.173.

Sin is the transgression of the Law and that’s in the New Testament, but there is still sin in the world.  Paul says where there is no Law, there is no sin in Romans 4:15.  And obviously there’s sin in the world, so there’s still a law. The devil hates the law very simply because Jesus came to save us from our sins. Sin is the transgression of the law, when there’s no law there’s no sin, when there’s no sin you don’t need a Savior.  And so the devil has been trying to undermine, erase, and evaporate the law because in that way he negates the salvation that Christ provides. God’s law has always been in existence.  It’s eternal…It’s a reflection of His nature.  You go to Genesis and it tells us that Cain transgressed in Genesis Chapter 4 where he kills his brother Abel.  The Bible says that before God gave the Ten Commandments Abraham kept His laws in Genesis. Joseph said that adultery with Potiphar’s wife was a sin in Genesis 39:7,8,9. All of this is long before the Ten Commandments were written on Mt. Sinai in Exodus. It’s always been wrong to kill.  It’s always been wrong to worship other gods.  At the beginning of creation Jesus established the Sabbath—for man.  Not for the Jews as so many people think today.  Adam and Eve were not Jews—it was for the whole human race.  

Jesus said the Sabbath is made for man, not man for the Sabbath in Mark 2:27-28. It’s something that every man needs. So God’s law is eternal, the devil hates it, and is attacking all or part of the law. It doesn’t matter to the devil because it tells us in James 2:10 that he who offends in just one point of the law is guilty of all. This is how the devil will control the world with this great deception and is doing it today. By substituting or replacing God’s law with human law. This is how Satan will seek to control the world and has already done so throughout history and still doing it in our present day. Most people don’t want to obey the Sabbath and just go to church on Sunday because it messes up there Fun/Good times (especially in the United States with everything we have in this country). It’s just easier for them since everybody else is dong it to just go on Sunday even though man clearly changed the day from Sabbath to Sunday which is the first day of the week according to the Bible, world history, and even the Jewish calendar, which is the most actuate calendar in the world by the way (look it up and study it). There are even people who know all this still go to church on Sunday because they don’t want to look foolish in front of there friends/family ect. Why?? 

Meaning they pick all of them over God. Nothing should be more important then your relationship and loyalty to God. Not even family or friends. People say you mean I have to give up my Friday night and all day on Saturday till sundown to worship the Lord on his Holy Day, the God who loves me, the God who has blessed me with everything I have on this Earth? The God who gave me a second chance at life, The God who died on the cross for my sins so I can be saved??....come on now people, think about how foolish that reasoning sounds. The bottom line is that people want to do there own thing and have fun and be of the world without a second thought…..but they still want to be Christian like. Having one foot in the church and the other in the world. It doesn’t work like that. You have to choose, the world or God. Your life should reflect and show others you come in contact with, what choice you decided to make. It should be hard to tell. 

Ok so you might say that keeping the Sabbath just doesn’t fit into my schedule or lifestyle. If you have that kind of thinking then you are playing right into Satan’s hands. Here is a question I ask…..if you love the Lord and truly call yourself a Christian wouldn’t you want to obey all 10 of his commandments regardless of what you had to GIVE UP on this earth? Remember it’s impossible to subtract commandments from Jesus as not valid unless you make all 10 not valid. Either you believe and practice in keeping all of them or none of them. There is none of this talk about well 4 are still valid today and 6 aren’t…NO that’s not found anywhere in the Bible. Jesus didn’t do away with any of the 10 commandments. Jesus gave up his life to save you and me. Following Christ in this world means losses and giving up your own agendas and priorities on this earth. What is more important to you….your life here and what you have here and your earthly goals, gains of money, getting a big house, high paying job, ect ect, or your love for Jesus and what life you can have with him in heaven? 

You should worship Jesus and keep his Sabbath Day because you love him and you want to say that this is a symbol and a sign that I follow Jesus Christ, accept his work on the cross, obey his law, and most importantly embrace his love for you. The Sabbath points to Creation, to the 10 commandments, to Jesus’s work on the Cross and that he saved us from sin, our Redemption, to his love, to his character, and It’s also a sign that we follow Christ and not Satan who changed the holy Sabbath day to Sunday throughout the course of history to take away worship from Jesus and to put it on himself. Remember this whole battle between Jesus and Satan has always been about worship and for every living soul on planet earth. What side will you chose? 

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