Saturday, October 18, 2014

Understanding Muslim beliefs and Radical Islam (ISIS)

I think we have to understand this evil group (enemy if you wish to call them) and what they believe in. Islam or the radical Muslim religion (ISIS) is growing. Remember I personally believe there are good people in every part of the world and not all Muslims are like radical Islam...most hate what ISIS is doing around the world right now. You have to separate all Muslims from ISIS...but most of their core beliefs are the same. They believe in total obedience to the one God Allah...there God of the Bible. Islam comes from a root word meaning surrender or submitting oneself to God, renouncing any other object of worship. They believe in five primary religious duties of Islam which are....

1. To pronounce Shahada or "there is no God but Allah", and that Mohammed is the apostle of God.
2. There ritual prayer of Salat performed five times a day...dawn, noon, afternoon, sundown, and evening and facing Mohammeds birthplace while doing it which is called Mecca.
3. giving a fixed percentage tax levied by Muslim governments upon the faithful.
4. A fast during the month of Ramadan.
5. Haji or a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during your lifetime here on earth.

Remember that Muslims accept the Koran as the complete verbatim direct speech or language of God, which is Allah. They even trace their roots and origin to Abraham whom they believe offered up Ishmael as the child of promise rather then Isaac. Tracing their lineage through Abraham, Moses, and even John the Baptist. They believe that Jesus simply was a prophet.

However, Islam is closer to Judaism and Christianity than any of the other great world religions. The Muslims claim Judaism is failed and that Christianity is spiritually corrupt. Therefore God raised up the prophet Mohammed to reform the corruptions of an apostate religion(s).

Some Christian beliefs held in common with Muslims:
1. Muslims believe in an almighty, all knowing and loving God.
2. They accept that all humans are morally responsible for their actions.
3. They believe in a final resurrection from the dead at the Messiah's return.
4. They give great emphasis to assisting and helping the poor
5. Muslims place priority on prayer
6. Muslims forbid alcohol, gambling, and pork.
7. Place emphasis on obedience to God
8. Muslims believe in a great controversy between good and evil.

Some Muslim beliefs contrary to Biblical thought....they still disagree with. I list some Bible verses under each question that if you read will say that the Bible is true. You can also match up the Bible with history to prove that the Bible is true as well if you do your homework.

1. Muslims believe that Jesus is/was just a prophet but not the eternal Son of God.
(see John 8:58 and compare with Ex. 3:14, also read Heb. 1:6-8, Mic. 5:2, Isa. 9:6.)

2. Muslims believe that The Bible is not really reliable since it is filled with human error and has not been copied accurately.
(see 2 Tim. 3:16, 2 Peter. 1:21,  Pslams 12:6,7,  Matt. 24:35, Pslams. 119: 105)

3. Salvation is attained by following the Five religious duties of Islam.
(see Rom. 3:23,  Isa. 59:1, 2, Rom 6:23, Eph. 2:8, Heb. 2:8,9,  2 Cor. 5:21, Gal 3:13)

4. Revelations through Mohammed Supersede the Bible and Mohammed provides a source of salvation.
(see John 17:17, and 14:6, Acts 4:12, and Isa 45:22).

Video Link of ISIS:

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