Revelation 20 – The Millennium & Jesus Returns
Ok so this is what the Bible says will happen in the end right after the 7 plagues (listed in Revelation chapter 16). Revelation 20 talks about the Saints reigning with Christ for 1,000 years, Satan crushed, and the great white throne of judgment. I will first list in order all the events of the Millennium and then the Bible verses to back them up. Each number next to a verse means that it supports that numbered event (numbers 1-12 below). Example: Number 1 goes with number 1, number 2 goes with number 2, etc etc.
1. Jesus 2nd Coming
2. 1st Resurrection takes place
3. Saints to Heaven (people that believe in Jesus)
4. Wicked are Slain (people that don't believe in Jesus)
5. Earth Desolated
6. Satan is bound to Desolate Earth during 1,000 years
7. Saints in heaven judging the wicked during the 1,000 years
8. Jesus 3rd Coming
9. 2nd Resurrection takes place (wicked people that rejected Jesus)
10. Holy City Descends
11. Fire Burns Wicked
12. Earth Re-Created / Live Forever With Jesus
Note: The word Millennium means 1,000 years, as "century" means 100 years. A resurrection marks the beginning and the end of the millennium. See John 5:28-29, Rev 20:5-7 for these two resurrections.
Events at the Beginning of the Millennium
1. Jesus shall come as ye have see Him go into heaven - Acts 1:11)
2. At the coming of the Lord...the dead in Christ shall rise first - 1 Thessalonians 4:15, 16. "He that hath part in the first resurrection, shall reign with him (Jesus) a thousand years - Revelation 20:6.
3. We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air - 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17. The saints are taken to heaven "in my fathers house (heaven)....I go to prepare a place for you...I will come again and receive you unto myself - John 14:1,2. Whither I go (Christ's ascension to heave) thou shalt follow me afterwards (at his second coming) - John 13:36.
4. The wicked who are living when Christ returns, the Lord shall consume and shall destroy by the brightness of his coming - 2 Thessalonians 2:8. "The day of the Lord cometh....and He shall destroy the sinners - Isaiah 13:9.
5. "There was a great earthquake, and the cities of the nations fell - Revelation 16:18, 19. The day of the Lord cometh, to lay the land desolate - Isaiah 13:9.
Events During the 1,000 Years
6. I beheld the earth without form, and void...there was no man all the cities there of were broken down at the presence of the Lord....the whole land shall be desolate....yet will I not make a full end - Jeremiah 4:20-27. (The "full end" comes at the end of the thousands years). The earth will be like a bottomless pit - Revelation 20:1. "The slain of the Lord shall....not be buried" - Jeremiah 25:33. "An angel bound him (Satan) a thousand years" - Revelation 20:1-3. "Bound", in that there will be "no man" for him to tempt, in as much as all the wicked are destroyed at Christ's second advent.
7. In heaven "the saints shall judge the world" - 1 Corthians 6:2. Judgement was given into them and "the dead were judged out of the books" (Heaven's record books) and they (the saved) lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years - Revelation 20:4, 12, 13. Also read Daniel 7:10.
Events at the Close of the 1,000 Years
8. "The Lord shall come (back to the Earth) and all the saints with thee - Zechiaraiah 14:5.
9. "The rest of the dead (wicked) lived not again until the thousand years were finished" - Revelation 20:5. They "are raised" unto the resurrection of damnation - John 5:29. Thus Satan shall be loosed - Revelation 20:7,8.
10. The Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with three...and His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, and it shall cleave in the midst....and there shall be a very great valley - Zechariah 14:4,5. "John saw the holy city coming down out of heaven" - Revelation 21:2.
11. Satan shall go out to deceive the nations (the reurrected wicked of all ages of history) to gather them together to battle and went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved (holy) city, and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them...this is the second death - Revelation 20:9,
It shall burn them up the wicked shall become ashes - Malachi 4:1-3. The Lord will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time, they shall be devoured - Nahum 1:9,10.
12. "The Earth also and the works that are there in shall be burned up....never the less we look for new heavens and a new earth, where in dwelleth righteousness - 2 Peter 3:10-13. Also read Rev 21:1-5. Then the meek shall inherit the earth - Psalms 37:11. "They shall build houses and plant vineyards" - Isaiah 65:17-21. There will be no more death neither sorrow nor crying - Revelation 21:4.
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