Lesson 2, Part 2 - Daniel 7 – The
Four Beasts
Ok so picking up with this fearsome ten horned beast of
Daniel 7, And of course this new “little horn” comes up in the midst of the ten
horns and plucks three of them “out by the roots”. And, the Bible says, this
new little horn has eyes “like the eyes of a man” and speaks “pompous words”.
Once again you need to know your history as it’s the key to
identifying this new “little horn” power….and history clearly records that
three of those original ten pagan kingdoms into which old Rome splintered were
indeed “plucked out by the roots”. All were overthrown by the same power.
Remember I listed them in my last posting about Daniel 2 and again in this
lesson/posting…..the 10 kingdoms. When the Roman Empire ended in A.D 476
(carved up by the barbarian tribes) a struggle began for control of the ten
remaining parts of the empire. On one side were three of the pagan tribes: The
Heruli, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths. On the other side was the Bishop of
Rome and the emperors loyal to the Catholic bishop. One by one, the Catholic
emperors overthrew these three rebel tribes:
1. The Emperor Zeno conquered the Heruli by encouraging the Ostrogoths to invade back in A.D 493.
The emperor Justinian sent his general
Belisarius to conquer the Vandais in A.D. 534.
General Belisarius then drove the Ostrogoths out
of Rome in A.D. 538.
According to history in A.D. 538, Justinian decreed that the
Bishop of Rome was to rule supreme over all the churches. But his degree meant
nothing until he and other emperors were able to overthrow the three Arian
tribes (Heruli, Vandals, Ostrogoths) – which are the “three horns” of Daniel 7
as we just read earlier. Pretty cool right? God is always right on time and has
complete control of human history.
By A.D. 538, this was
accomplished, and the era of the little horn’s power had begun. The Papacy
would continue in absolute power for another 1,260 years till the year 1798.
This prophecy is found in Daniel 7:25, Daniel 12:7, Revelation 11:2, Revelation
11:3, Revelation 12:6, Revelation 12:14, and Revelation 13:5. We will get into
Revelation in our next lesson/posting. Here are the 4 stages of Rome in Bible
Prophecy. I wanted to list it out in a chart form that matches Daniel 2, 7, and
also human history.
Stages of Rome – (4 stages)
The Roman Empire - (168BC-476AD) – It ruled by
itself as Imperial Rome.
Divided Rome – (476AD-538AD) – Divided into 10
Alemanni (Germany today), Franks (French),
Saxons (English), Visigoths (Spanish), Burgundians (Swiss), Lombards
(Italians), Suevi (Portuguese), and the Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogths (Now
Extinct, wipped out).
The Barbarian tribes carved up and divided Rome
into 10 kingdoms
Papal Rome during the 1,260 years – (538AD –
1798) – (Papal Rome’s first stage).
The “3 horns” (Heruli, Vandals, Ostrogths)
kingdoms were overthrown by the bishop of Rome. He ruled supreme over all the
churches. Christians were killed for there faith in Jesus and in the Bible.
Saints were persecuted; Bible and 10 commandments were changed by Rome / Papel
The papacy arouse among the Barbarian Kingdoms
who asked him to rule over the barbarian’s since they didn’t have a leader. The
Bishop of Rome gladly accepted and Church and state came together as one power
for 1,260 years. The sword of the state was now used to kill God’s true people.
In 1798 the deadly wound was given. The little horn’s rule ends for now…..One day
it will come back and we are currently living during the healing of the deadly
wound now in 2013.
Papal Rome & Little horn’s rule is restored
to power – (Papal Rome’s final stage).
The deadly wound is now headed (hasn’t happened
The wound is healing, but it won’t be fully
healed until The final holy war happens and the Sunday Law is passed world wide
which would mean that Church and State wil be together once again to create
blood shed. The wound has been healing since 1929.
Another thing we must not let slip through our fingers here
is that God considered this information in this vision so vitally important
that even hundreds of years later, God gave John a similar vision in Revelation
13:5. God also gave the same time prophecy in Revelation 11:2,3; 12:6; and
12:14 like I mentioned earlier. What amazing love and what a amazing God we
serve. He loves us so much as to not keep is in the dark about something so
important that not knowing could cost us our eternal salvation. Yet many times,
God in His infinite wisdom does not just give us the answers without our own
careful study. We are all being tested. Do we love and believe God enough to
get into His word? Diving into His love letter and finding out what He wants
you to know? It’s all there in the Bible as we have been finding out. We just
have to dig a little.
Ok so back to this little horn that came up after the 10
horns. We need to carefully identify it because God takes more space in the
Bible describing it than the other four kingdoms combined….but Why? Well
because the biblical characteristics identify it as the Antichrist of prophecy
and history. But who is it? God gives us 10 ways to identify the Little Horn in
Daniel chapter 7. Some may find these truths from God’s holy Bible painful, we
must be honest enough to accept them as God’s revealed will. Remember when
identifying this Antichrist of prophecy and history it has to match all 10
points. If even 1 is wrong, then it isn’t a match and doesn’t fit. If you study
history and plug in any system/power you want nothing will match but one…..that
one is the Papacy. Look at the 10 ways to prove that fact below as I have
The “little horn” or kingdom came up among them
to power from among the ten divisions of Europe – the ten horns (Daniel 7:8).
So it would be a little kingdom somewhere in Western Europe.
It began as “a little horn” – a little power at
it’s beginning (Daniel 7:8).
It would have a man at it’s head who could speak
for it (Daniel 7:8). Also see 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
It would pluck up or uproot three horns or three
kingdoms – Heruli, Vandals, Ostrogoths(Daniel 7:8).
It would be “diverse” or different from the
other 10 kingdoms. The 10 were “state” powers, and the little horn was a
“church-state” combination (Daniel 7:24).
It would make war with and “wear out” or
persecute the saints of the most high (Daniel 7:21,25). During it’s 1,260 year
reign, the papal power brought death to millions.
It would emerge from the pagan Roman empire, the
fourth world kingdom after A.D 476 (Daniel
God’s people (the saints) would “be given into
his hand” for “a time and times and the dividing of time” (Daniel 7:25). Or a
“time and times and half a time” – elsewhere presented in the Bible as 1,260
days or forty-two months of prophetic time. Remember that a day is equal to a
year in Bible prophecy. This power was to rule for 1,260 years. God foretold
that it would reign supreme and persecute God’s people.
It would “speak great words against” or
blaspheme God (Daniel 7: 25). Remember blasphemy means to claim to be God
and/or to claim to be able to forgive sins according to the Bible. (Matthew
9:2-6, John 10:30-33). In Revelation 13:5, the Bible says the same power speaks
“great things and blasphemies”.
It would “think to change times and laws” (Daniel
7:25). The little horn antichrist would think to change times and law. Well the
Catholic Church notes the changes it made to God’s law in it’s catechism. It
removed the second commandment that forbids idolatry, changed the fourth
commandment requiring worship on the 7th day of the week, and
finally, divided the tenth commandment in two to retain a full ten
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