Why Monthly and Weekly Worship?
So of course Part 10 leads into Part 11 of my Sabbath
study…..why will we all go to worship the Lord from “month to month” and from
Sabbath to Sabbath? We know we will be worshipping before His throne, because
that is where people go t bow before God on the “see of glass” before his
throne as Revelation tells us. But why would we still go every month once we
get to heaven? Well the Bible gives us the answer of course in Revelation
22:1-2. Revelation is really helpful in explaining the Old Testament. You can’t
understand the book of Revelation fully without going back to the Old
Testament, and you can’t really understand the Old Testament without studying
Revelation. So it works both ways, which is why people who say they are just
“New Testament Christians” or just “Old Testament Christians” are studying with
one hand tied behind there back so to speak. So anyway back to Revelation
22:1-2. As it states in Revelation 22, we will go to eat fruit from the tree of
life. Did you know that even in the kingdom of heaven, our immortality will be
“conditional”? Meaning that we will continue to live in heaven because we will
still be eating from God’s tree of life. We will not be “inherently” immortal.
Our immortality will be derived from God’s tree, and we will have to go every
month to eat from that tree if we want to live forever and ever.
Ok so then why weekly worship…or from “Sabbath to Sabbath”?
The answer to this is found in Isaiah 66 where we are told that God is going to
make “a new heaven and a new earth”. A re-creation, or creation of a new heaven
and a new earth, will be necessary because the earth will be physically
decimated at that time of the second coming of Jesus Christ. It will return to
the condition it was at the very beginning of its history, before creation. In
Genesis 1:2 we read that “the earth was without form and void and the planet
was in darkness.” Jeremiah 4:23 gives us
more information about the condition of the earth when Jesus comes at His second
coming. Now if this planet returns to the chaotic condition that existed before
creation, God will have to make a new heaven and a new earth if they are ever
going to exist. He will have to make them just as He did at the beginning, and
in order to do this Jesus is going to suspend the rest that He entered into
after He first created this world way back during the first creation week. The
evening and the morning of the seventh day at the beginning of time never came
for God, because after the seventh day He created no more with regard to this
earth. But when the earth returns to the condition it was in before creation,
God is going to break His rest and start creating again. Now if it took God six
days to create this world the first time around, how many days do you think He
will take the second time? It’s something to think about isn’t it? I used to
think that when God creates the new heavens and the new earth He would just
somehow/someway just say “Let there be a new heavens and a new earth”, and
everything would be done…..but in doing this Sabbath study I am totally wrong
with that idea haha. Isaiah 66 tells us differently. In Isaiah 66:20 and onward
we learn that from week to week, or Sabbath to Sabbath, we will worship before
the Lord as a commemoration of the creation of the new heaven and the new
earth. Now of course you can’t keep the seventh day unless you have the first
six. If there weren’t six days before the seventh day, it wouldn’t be the
seventh! So if we are going to go from Sabbath to Sabbath to worship before the
Lord, it must mean that there are six days before the Sabbath. Meaning God must
create the new heavens and new earth just like He did during the first
Creation…..in six days and then resting on the seventh.
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