Continuing from part 2....Spiritualism has made it's way into churches, coffee shops, the work place, clubs, and even found welcome in legislative bodies, and like Bible times even in the courts of Kings and leaders of high places throughout history. By representing the most evil of sinners as in heaven, Satan says to the world: "No matter whether you believe or disbelieve God and the Bible, live as you please. Heaven is your home." But the Word of God says, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness" - Isaiah 5:20.
Today now in 2014 Spiritualism is one of the biggest attacks Satan uses to get people to turn away from God or to never have that "God experience" that we all need to encounter in our lives. Spiritualism is now adopting a Christian appearance, but it can not deny or hide it's teaching. It professes to accept Christ and the Bible, but it interprets the Bible in a way that is pleasing to the unrenewed heart. It dwells on love as the chief attribute of God, but it degrades this love to a weak sentimentalism. God's condemnations of sin, the requirements of His holy law, are kept out of sight. Fables lead men and women to reject the Bible as the foundation of their faith. Christ is denied as surely as before, but most people do not recognize the deception. Few people don't understand how powerful and how real tampering with spiritualism is. Many tamper with it merely out of curiosity. Most people would hate the idea and be horrified at the thought of yielding to the spirits control, but they dare to go onto forbidden ground and the destroyer exercises his power on them against their will. If he can get them to submit their minds to his direction just once, he will hold them captive. Nothing but the power of God in earnest prayer can save them at this point.....this is why it's so dangerous to play with this kind of force.
All who willfully cherish known sin are inviting Satan's temptations. They separate themselves from God and the watch care of His angels, leaving themselves without any protection. Isaiah 8:19-20 says, "When they say to you, seek those who are mediums and wizards who whisper and mutter, should not a people seek their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." If people had been willing to accept the Bible truth concerning our human nature and the condition of the dead, they would see in spiritualism Satan's power and lying wonders. But so many people close there eyes to the light with rune stones, magic, fairy's, pendents, weegie boards, etc. Satan waves his snares around them. Those of us who oppose spiritualism attack Satan and his angels. He can quote Scripture and will twist its teaching. Those who intend to stand in this time of danger must understand for themselves what the Bible teaches.
Remember those who comfort themselves with the assurance that there is no punishment for the sinner, who reject the truths that Heaven has provided as a defense for the day for trouble, will accept the lies that Satan offers, the deceptive claims of spiritualism.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
An Alert Enemy & Spiritualism - Part 2
So continuing off of part 1. I think some of the greatest danger in this life is to believe that the devil and his evil angels (or demons) don't exist. Many accept their suggestions while they think they are following their own wisdom. As we are living in the end times here in 2014 Satan is and will continue to attack with his greatest power to deceive. He spreads everywhere the belief that he does not exist. It is his policy to conceal himself and his way of working. Satan is afraid that we will become acquainted with his deceptions. To disguise his real character, he has influenced people to portray him as something to ridicule or despise. Like the classic devil dressed in red with the red pitch fork in his many people by into that and think nothing of it. Remember that the devil wants you to accept his lies to the point that you believe in them so much that it becomes second nature to you. Then he can quick deceiving you anymore because you already believe the lies he has told you. Next victim at that point.....and this happens with us not even realizing it. Satan is very pleased to be painted as comical, misshapen, half animal, half human. He is pleased to hear his name used in jokes and mockery because he has masked himself with superb skill. Many people ask "Does such a being really exist?". Because Satan can easily control the minds of those who are unaware of his influence, the Word of God reveals to us his secret forces, and this puts us on guard.
Another good point to keep in mind. Satan on one occasion came along when the angels came into present themselves before the Lord. Satan come to bow to the Lord, but to carry forward his evil plans against the righteous found in Job 1:6. Satan is present when Christians gather for worship working diligently to control the minds of the worshipers. As he sees the messenger of God studying the Bible he notices the subject to be presented. Then Satan uses his subtle skills and shrewdness so that the message may not reach those who he is deceiving on that very point. The one who most needs the warning will be urged into some business transaction, phone call, emergency, ect, ect. Whatever he can cause to happen to prevent you from hearing the message. Satan see's the Lords people burdened because of the darkness that surrounds the people. He hears their prayers for divine grace and power to break the spell of indifference and laziness. Then with renewed zeal Satan tempts people to indulge their appetites or gratify themselves, and by doing this he dulls their perceptions so that they fail to hear the very things they most need to learn. Because Satan knows most of all that all who neglect to pray, study, and read the Bible will be overcome by his attacks. So he invents every possible diversion to occupy the mind. Remember Satan knows the Bible inside and out, backwards and forward....don't think that he doesn't. He used to be second in command to God. Satan's right hand helpers are always active when God is at work. They will describe the most earnest, self-denying servants of Christ as deceived or deceivers. Their work is to misrepresent the motives of every single noble deed, to spread doubts, and arouse suspicion in the minds of the inexperienced. We can always easily see whose children they are, whose example they follow, and whose work they do. "You will know them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:16 and Revelation 12:10).
Satan can produce a counterfeit that so closely resembles the truth that it deceives those who are willing to be deceived, who want to avoid the sacrifice that the truth demands.
The belief that spirits of the dead returning to help the living has prepared the way for modern spiritualism, and it's gotten stronger over the last 5 years. I dated a women in New York City who was into spiritualism and it's such a powerful deceiving lie by the enemy, I prayed for her everyday, but with all things it's up to our freewill to choose to listen to God or not. She closed the door on God. The question is if the dead are entrusting with knowledge far beyond what they had before, then why not return to earth and instruct the living? If spirits of the dead hover around their friends on earth, why not communicate with them? How can those who believe in human consciousness in death reject "divine light" that comes through glorified spirits? Here is a channel that people think is sacred but which Satan uses. Fallen angels appear as messengers from the spirit world. Remember the prince of evil has power to bring before people the appearance of departed friends and loved ones. Evil angels can take form of dead loved ones, and they do this to trick humans living still on the earth. When people see UFO's or other alien life forms, or big foot.....are they real? Yes they are real but they didn't come from God. Those people are being tricked by Satan and his angels into thinking they are real, but they are really evil angels just taking other forms.This counterfeit is perfect, reproduced with amazing exactness. Many take comfort in the assurance that their loved ones are enjoying heaven. Without suspecting danger, they open their lives "to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons" - 1 Timothy 4:1.
While it is true that the results of trickery have often been presented as genuine manifestations, there have also been clear exhibitions of supernatural power, the direct work of evil angels. Many believe that spiritualism is nothing more than human fraud. When they come face to face with happenings that they cannot explain (such as seeing big foot or an alien from space) as anything but supernatural, they will be deceived and will accept them as the great power of God.
Remember a good example found in Exodus 7:10-12......With help from Satan Pharaoh's magicians counterfeited the work of God. Another example, Paul testifies that before the coming of the Lord we will see "the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception" - 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10. In the book of Revelation, Revelation 13:13, 14 John declares, "He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do."
This is not an issue of predicting mere tricks. People are deceived by the miracles that Satan's agents actually do, that are real....and not that they only pretend to do. Satan temps us with what we know or are into. Satan notes the sins of each individual is inclined to commit and then makes sure that opportunities come along to gratify the tendency. He temps people through intemperance, leading them to weaken their physical, mental, and moral power. Satan is such a bastard and he destroys thousands through indulgence of passion, brutalizing the entire nature. To complete his work, the agents of Satan declare that "true knowledge places a person above all law", that "whatever is, is right," that "God does not condemn," and that "all sins....are innocent." When people believe that desire is the highest law, that liberty is license, that they are accountable only to themselves, who can be surprised that corruption flourishes every where? Great numbers of people eagerly accept the urgings of lust. Satan sweeps into his net thousands who profess to follow Christ.
The beauty is that God has given enough light to us to detect the snare. The very foundation of spiritualism is at war with Bible scripture. The Bible declares that the dead know nothing, that their thoughts have perished. They have no joys or sorrows of those still alive on earth.
Another good point to keep in mind. Satan on one occasion came along when the angels came into present themselves before the Lord. Satan come to bow to the Lord, but to carry forward his evil plans against the righteous found in Job 1:6. Satan is present when Christians gather for worship working diligently to control the minds of the worshipers. As he sees the messenger of God studying the Bible he notices the subject to be presented. Then Satan uses his subtle skills and shrewdness so that the message may not reach those who he is deceiving on that very point. The one who most needs the warning will be urged into some business transaction, phone call, emergency, ect, ect. Whatever he can cause to happen to prevent you from hearing the message. Satan see's the Lords people burdened because of the darkness that surrounds the people. He hears their prayers for divine grace and power to break the spell of indifference and laziness. Then with renewed zeal Satan tempts people to indulge their appetites or gratify themselves, and by doing this he dulls their perceptions so that they fail to hear the very things they most need to learn. Because Satan knows most of all that all who neglect to pray, study, and read the Bible will be overcome by his attacks. So he invents every possible diversion to occupy the mind. Remember Satan knows the Bible inside and out, backwards and forward....don't think that he doesn't. He used to be second in command to God. Satan's right hand helpers are always active when God is at work. They will describe the most earnest, self-denying servants of Christ as deceived or deceivers. Their work is to misrepresent the motives of every single noble deed, to spread doubts, and arouse suspicion in the minds of the inexperienced. We can always easily see whose children they are, whose example they follow, and whose work they do. "You will know them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:16 and Revelation 12:10).
Satan can produce a counterfeit that so closely resembles the truth that it deceives those who are willing to be deceived, who want to avoid the sacrifice that the truth demands.
The belief that spirits of the dead returning to help the living has prepared the way for modern spiritualism, and it's gotten stronger over the last 5 years. I dated a women in New York City who was into spiritualism and it's such a powerful deceiving lie by the enemy, I prayed for her everyday, but with all things it's up to our freewill to choose to listen to God or not. She closed the door on God. The question is if the dead are entrusting with knowledge far beyond what they had before, then why not return to earth and instruct the living? If spirits of the dead hover around their friends on earth, why not communicate with them? How can those who believe in human consciousness in death reject "divine light" that comes through glorified spirits? Here is a channel that people think is sacred but which Satan uses. Fallen angels appear as messengers from the spirit world. Remember the prince of evil has power to bring before people the appearance of departed friends and loved ones. Evil angels can take form of dead loved ones, and they do this to trick humans living still on the earth. When people see UFO's or other alien life forms, or big foot.....are they real? Yes they are real but they didn't come from God. Those people are being tricked by Satan and his angels into thinking they are real, but they are really evil angels just taking other forms.This counterfeit is perfect, reproduced with amazing exactness. Many take comfort in the assurance that their loved ones are enjoying heaven. Without suspecting danger, they open their lives "to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons" - 1 Timothy 4:1.
While it is true that the results of trickery have often been presented as genuine manifestations, there have also been clear exhibitions of supernatural power, the direct work of evil angels. Many believe that spiritualism is nothing more than human fraud. When they come face to face with happenings that they cannot explain (such as seeing big foot or an alien from space) as anything but supernatural, they will be deceived and will accept them as the great power of God.
Remember a good example found in Exodus 7:10-12......With help from Satan Pharaoh's magicians counterfeited the work of God. Another example, Paul testifies that before the coming of the Lord we will see "the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception" - 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10. In the book of Revelation, Revelation 13:13, 14 John declares, "He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do."
This is not an issue of predicting mere tricks. People are deceived by the miracles that Satan's agents actually do, that are real....and not that they only pretend to do. Satan temps us with what we know or are into. Satan notes the sins of each individual is inclined to commit and then makes sure that opportunities come along to gratify the tendency. He temps people through intemperance, leading them to weaken their physical, mental, and moral power. Satan is such a bastard and he destroys thousands through indulgence of passion, brutalizing the entire nature. To complete his work, the agents of Satan declare that "true knowledge places a person above all law", that "whatever is, is right," that "God does not condemn," and that "all sins....are innocent." When people believe that desire is the highest law, that liberty is license, that they are accountable only to themselves, who can be surprised that corruption flourishes every where? Great numbers of people eagerly accept the urgings of lust. Satan sweeps into his net thousands who profess to follow Christ.
The beauty is that God has given enough light to us to detect the snare. The very foundation of spiritualism is at war with Bible scripture. The Bible declares that the dead know nothing, that their thoughts have perished. They have no joys or sorrows of those still alive on earth.
An Alert Enemy & Spiritualism - Part 1
Don't doubt for a second that evil forces don't exist. All you have to do is look around in the news, internet, tv, radio, ect to see the work of evil, with all the pain and loss it brings.Satan and his evil angels are very alert to this world and all humans living in it. This enemy is intruding his presence into every household, every street, every nation, in all the churches across the world, in national councils, in courts of justice, just everywhere!! No place on earth is safe to hide from the forces of Satan's wrath. Our enemy (Satan) is very busy perplexing, deceiving, seducing, and ruining the souls and bodies of men, women, and children. He breaks up families, planting seeds of hatred, strife, rebellion, and murder.....and the world seems to think that God has decreed these things and so they must exist. All who are not committed followers of Christ are servants of Satan even if they don't realize it or not. When Christians choose to associate with the ungodly, they expose themselves to temptation. Satan hides himself from view and draws his deceptive covering over their eyes.
Following worldly customs converts the church to the world and never the world to Christ. Familiarity with sin will cause it to seem less repulsive and right in your eyes of justification. But when we encounter trails because we are doing what God wants, we may be sure that He will protect us. But if we place ourselves where we will be tempted, sooner or later we will fall....and the enemy knows this and plays on it. The tempter often works most successfully through those whom we least suspect of being under his control. Talent and culture are gifts of God, but when these gifts lead away from Him, they become a trap. (I know I experienced this myself when playing the drums with the Wizards of Winter and touring in PA, NJ, and NY. It pulled me away from God and into this trap because Satan knows what we like as much as God does, and what temptations will work on us). Many people with cultured intellects, talents, and pleasant manners are polished instruments in the hands of Satan.
We can't forget the inspired warning ringing down the centuries to out time here in 2014. "be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" - 1 Peter 5:8. We need to put on the armor of God like it says in Ephesians 6:11. "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil". Remember our enemy is preparing for his last campaign as we are living in the end times now in 2014. All who follow Jesus will have conflicts with this enemy.....following Christ costs and requires sacrifice of our earthly goals, dreams, accomplishments, agendas, and even sometimes our lives. As Christians we need to always imitate a divine pattern and loving spirit towards others, putting them first instead of our needs and our goals, and our lives. The more we do that the more of a target for the attacks of Satan we become in this world.
Remember that all evil angels oppose God's plans. The evil spirits which are evil angels were originally created sinless by God. They were equal in nature, power, and glory with the holy beings that are now God's messengers.....the good angels. But now they are fallen because of sin, and they have joined together to dishonor God and destroy humanity. United with Satan in rebellion, they cooperate with him in warfare against divine authority In the new testament of the Bible it clearly states that people have been possessed with demons. These people were not simply suffering with disease from natural causes. Christ recognized the direct presence and influence of evil spirits. The demons possessed men at Gadara. They were wretched maniacs, writhing, foaming at the mouth, raging, cutting themselves, ect ect. There bleeding and disfigured bodies, and deranged minds made a spectacle that pleased the prince of darkness. Remember one of the demons controlling the sufferers said, "My name is Legion, for we are many". - Mark 5:9. In the Roman army during the days of Jesus on Earth legion's consisted of anywhere from 3 to 5 thousand men. But at the command of Jesus the demons fled from their victims, leaving them subdued, inteligent, and gentle. But the demons then swept a heard of pigs into the sea. Of course to the people of Gadara, the loss outweighted the blessing Christ had just brought and so they asked the divine Healer Jesus to leave in Matthew 8:24-34. By blaming Jesus for their loss, Satan stirred up the selfish fears of the people and prevented them from listening to His words.
But what is key to remember is Christ allowed the evil spirits to destroy the pigs as a rebuke to Jews who were raising unclean animals for profit. If Christ had not restrained the demons, they would have plunged not only the pigs, but also their keepers and owners into the sea. Furthermore God permitted this event so that the disciples could witness the cruel power of Satan on both people and animals, and so they would not be deceived by his dark delusions. Jesus also wanted the people to see His power to break Satan's hold and release his captives. Though Jesus himself went away, the men He had so amazingly delivered remained there to tell about the mercy of their Father.
The Bible of course records other accounts of these kind of examples. The daughter of the Syrophenician women, severely afflicted with a devil when Jesus cast out by His word in Mark 7:25-30. In Mark 9:17-27 a youth who had a spirit who had often "thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destory him. Also another example I will mention is the maniac tormented by a spirit of an unclean devil who disturbed the Sabbath quiet at Capernaum in Luke 4:33-36. In all of these examples Jesus healed them all and addresses the demons as intelligent beings, commanding him not to torment his victim ever again. Also there were some who tried to get supernatural power such as Simon Magus, Elymas the sorcerer, and the slave girl who followed Paul and Silas at Philippi in Acts 8:9, 18; 13:8, 16:16-18.
Following worldly customs converts the church to the world and never the world to Christ. Familiarity with sin will cause it to seem less repulsive and right in your eyes of justification. But when we encounter trails because we are doing what God wants, we may be sure that He will protect us. But if we place ourselves where we will be tempted, sooner or later we will fall....and the enemy knows this and plays on it. The tempter often works most successfully through those whom we least suspect of being under his control. Talent and culture are gifts of God, but when these gifts lead away from Him, they become a trap. (I know I experienced this myself when playing the drums with the Wizards of Winter and touring in PA, NJ, and NY. It pulled me away from God and into this trap because Satan knows what we like as much as God does, and what temptations will work on us). Many people with cultured intellects, talents, and pleasant manners are polished instruments in the hands of Satan.
We can't forget the inspired warning ringing down the centuries to out time here in 2014. "be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" - 1 Peter 5:8. We need to put on the armor of God like it says in Ephesians 6:11. "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil". Remember our enemy is preparing for his last campaign as we are living in the end times now in 2014. All who follow Jesus will have conflicts with this enemy.....following Christ costs and requires sacrifice of our earthly goals, dreams, accomplishments, agendas, and even sometimes our lives. As Christians we need to always imitate a divine pattern and loving spirit towards others, putting them first instead of our needs and our goals, and our lives. The more we do that the more of a target for the attacks of Satan we become in this world.
Remember that all evil angels oppose God's plans. The evil spirits which are evil angels were originally created sinless by God. They were equal in nature, power, and glory with the holy beings that are now God's messengers.....the good angels. But now they are fallen because of sin, and they have joined together to dishonor God and destroy humanity. United with Satan in rebellion, they cooperate with him in warfare against divine authority In the new testament of the Bible it clearly states that people have been possessed with demons. These people were not simply suffering with disease from natural causes. Christ recognized the direct presence and influence of evil spirits. The demons possessed men at Gadara. They were wretched maniacs, writhing, foaming at the mouth, raging, cutting themselves, ect ect. There bleeding and disfigured bodies, and deranged minds made a spectacle that pleased the prince of darkness. Remember one of the demons controlling the sufferers said, "My name is Legion, for we are many". - Mark 5:9. In the Roman army during the days of Jesus on Earth legion's consisted of anywhere from 3 to 5 thousand men. But at the command of Jesus the demons fled from their victims, leaving them subdued, inteligent, and gentle. But the demons then swept a heard of pigs into the sea. Of course to the people of Gadara, the loss outweighted the blessing Christ had just brought and so they asked the divine Healer Jesus to leave in Matthew 8:24-34. By blaming Jesus for their loss, Satan stirred up the selfish fears of the people and prevented them from listening to His words.
But what is key to remember is Christ allowed the evil spirits to destroy the pigs as a rebuke to Jews who were raising unclean animals for profit. If Christ had not restrained the demons, they would have plunged not only the pigs, but also their keepers and owners into the sea. Furthermore God permitted this event so that the disciples could witness the cruel power of Satan on both people and animals, and so they would not be deceived by his dark delusions. Jesus also wanted the people to see His power to break Satan's hold and release his captives. Though Jesus himself went away, the men He had so amazingly delivered remained there to tell about the mercy of their Father.
The Bible of course records other accounts of these kind of examples. The daughter of the Syrophenician women, severely afflicted with a devil when Jesus cast out by His word in Mark 7:25-30. In Mark 9:17-27 a youth who had a spirit who had often "thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destory him. Also another example I will mention is the maniac tormented by a spirit of an unclean devil who disturbed the Sabbath quiet at Capernaum in Luke 4:33-36. In all of these examples Jesus healed them all and addresses the demons as intelligent beings, commanding him not to torment his victim ever again. Also there were some who tried to get supernatural power such as Simon Magus, Elymas the sorcerer, and the slave girl who followed Paul and Silas at Philippi in Acts 8:9, 18; 13:8, 16:16-18.
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